Thursday, November 24, 2011

Mantra For Peace & Harmony In Family

Regardless of the riches one attains, without peace of mind they are worthless. The sufferings we bear are mostly the result of accumulated karma from previous births and the sins related to them. The following powerful mantra is said to be most apt for removing miseries and instilling peace of mind, satisfaction and harmony in the family.

Om shreem daasharathe mahabhoga phalapradhaya viswarathikaraya janakipathaye sarvasiddhim kuru kuru swaha

The mantra should be chanted 512 times each in the morning(during sunrise) and the evening(before sunset). face east direction in the morning and the west direction in the evening. Light a ghee lamp in front of you daily, before you start chanting the mantra. Repeat the chanting for 14 continuous days to attain mantra siddhi. With the blessings of Lord Rama, your sins will be washed away and you will be able to lead a happy life.